Protein Code: 1tup
My protein is P53 or the tumor suppresser protein. From what I understand it is kind of a big deal and hopefully I will be able to find out why. 
The first picture is simply a Picture using cartoons and a different color for each of the different chains. The DNA looking thing is green is DNA. The Protein looking chains are chains of the protein.
This is a surface area model showing just how close the bonding is between the the DNA(green) and the protein(red). It looks like they are more than just friends.
In this beautiful picture I tried to show what it would be like looking down the DNA(white). The protein color makes it a little harder to see the chains, because they're rainbow colored. They are rainbow colored because it was an option, and I couldn't not click it.
This is a model showing just the protein by the color of it's elements. Carbon is grey, Oxygen is red, Nitrogen is blue, and Sulfur is Orange. It could actually all be grey, I don't know, I'm colorblind.
And Lastly we have a sphere model showing a more toddler friendly version of the protein with no sharp edges.